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Inventory Alerts

Users with the correct access levels and permissions, who have selected a specific Organization (IRMS), can access the alerts by clicking Orders/Transfers > Alerts.  This link opens the Inventory Order Details page, where the following information is displayed.

Note icon  If your facility uses the stand-alone VOMS application, the IWeb menu categories of Lot Numbers and Orders/Transfers and their associated links are replaced with a VOMS 2.0 link that opens the VOMS application. See the VOMS User Guide for more information.

Inventory That Has Expired or is About to Expire

The items that appear in this section are vaccines set to expire within the next 90 days, as determined by the Expiration Date entered for specific Lot from the Lot Number Inventory (Lot Number Maintenance).

Field Description


The name of the vaccine in inventory that has expired or is about to expire.

Funding Source

The funding source that is associated with the vaccine. Example: VFC.

Lot Number

The lot number of the vaccine that has expired or is about to expire.

QOH (Quantity on Hand)

The amount of vaccine that has expired, is about to expire, or is running low.

Expiration Date

The date the vaccine expired or will expire.


The name or number of the facility that has expired lots or lots that are about to expire.

Inventory Running Low

The items listed in this section are determined by the user's Personal Settings (the Set Low Inventory Quantity for Orders option in the User Preferences Default Settings).

Field Description


The name of the vaccine in inventory that is running low.

Funding Source

The funding source that is associated with the vaccine. Example: VFC.

QOH (Quantity on Hand)

The amount of vaccine that is about to expire or is running low.


The name or number of the facility that has lots that are about to expire.

Order Notifications

These items are determined by the submitted, approved, or shipped orders from the Orders/Transfers database table(s).

Field Description

Order Number

The order number of the vaccine number. Click the link to open the Order page for that order.

Submit Date

The date the vaccine order was submitted.

Approval Date

The date the vaccine order was approved.

Order Status

The shipping status for the vaccine order.


The name or number of the facility for the vaccine order that has been submitted, approved, or shipped.

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